Below is a list of the most frequently asked question we receive. If for any reason your questions are not answered please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I place an order?
Simply add items to your basket as you would with any other online store. Once you have selected everything you require proceed to checkout. If you are new to Norfolk Veg Box you will need to enter your address and email address so that we can successfully process and deliver your order. At checkout, our order management system will let you know which days of the week we deliver to your area. Please refer to Weekly Deliveries in Norfolk to see when we’re in your area.
Can I choose the contents of my Veg Box?
Absolutely! Browse through our shop and add individual items to your ‘cart’. You can choose the quantity/weight of each item.
I would love one of the set boxes but there is something included that I don’t need, can I substitute it?
Yes you can. Just let us know what you would like substituted and with what. Sometimes there may be a small price implication but we’ll let you know. Where multiple substitutions are requested on a regular basis we may suggest you build a custom, bespoke order.
Is there a minimum order value?
The minimum order value is currently £8.50. This currently includes free delivery.
When will my order be delivered?
As part of the checkout process you get to select when your order will be delivered, please check our delivery day guide to find your normal delivery day (and delivery deadline). If you are unsure which day please contact us and we can advise.
Do you delivery on Bank Holidays?
We don’t normally deliver on bank holiday Mondays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Years day. We do run our normal Friday routes on Good Friday.
How much is Delivery?
Delivery is free for orders of £8.50 or more provided you are within our current delivery areas.
Can you tell me what time my order will be delivered?
Normally we can give you a guide, but this won’t be until all orders are in and the days route has been planned. We try to keep routes consistent, but we have to plan the route to be efficient.
I have placed my order, but just realised I missed something, how can I add to my order?
Drop us a quick email with what you would like to add and provided it’s not past the order deadline we’ll endeavour to get it sorted for you. However please beware we may not be able to make complex changes.
What if I am not at home when you deliver?
If you are unavailable when we deliver we are happy to leave your box in a safe place of your choosing or with a neighbour. Please make sure we are advised where this is before hand.
How do I pay for my box?
Payment is by BACS or Card payment prior to delivery.
Can I place a regular repeating with you?
Sure, please contact us with the details of what you would like to order and how frequently and we’ll set that up.
How far ahead can I order?
The system allows you to place order for up to 4 weeks in advance. Please be mindful that this sometimes means you can order items that might end their season and availability. In such circumstances we’ll do our best to supply a close alternative.
What happens if there is something missing from my box?
We are human and yes on occasions we do have things go wrong and something gets missed being packed. Please let us know as soon as you notice and well do our best to rectify this as soon as possible. This may be via re-delivery or a credit coupon.